LUNardei's cave

The homepage of AST-LUN, italian STG and Street Fighter player.


Random update

It's been a long time... I'll try to write down some relevant (?) stuff in random order:

+ Prometheus has improved his DDP score! Hot stuff indeed:

+ I won the 3rd edition of ISK, the Italian Shmups Knockout. Tournament was fun and Kotaro ran it flawlessly, but the games were OLD, lol. The only one I enjoyed playing was Change Air Blade, somehow. So I guess I was particularly lucky on winning over Jck:

+ SFIV is coming and yes we're going to play and support it. Unofficial news (atm), we're trying to run the first SFIV tournament in Milan on March the 14th, during the last 3rd Strike Ranking Battle of season one. Keep an eye on the official Ranbat thread for more info:

+ Oh. We're trying out HD Remix too, because - breaking news - now we're open minded. Kinda. Here you can find some matches between Mitsu and TM:

Final note: lately I've been thinking about Wordpress... Just because it's better. But changing URL is always a pain, I guess. Anyway, I'll try to post any news about the hot stuff of the moment, Street Fighter IV. I'll try to cover everything SFIV-related that happens in Italy, so stay tuned...