LUNardei's cave

The homepage of AST-LUN, italian STG and Street Fighter player.


Nothing new from the east...

I'm waiting my Mushihime's OST... Waiting and waiting... Surely it's in Italy from at leat 8/9 days, but not in my postbox.

mail lunardei


Prendiamola con filosofia...

Almeno è stata una gran bella partita, finalmente.

Congrats Liverpool, avete avuto due palle d'acciaio.

mail lunardei


Inizia l'estate, inizia lo splashball...

Apro una parentesi perchè l'estate oltre a grilli, zanzare e grandi competizioni calcistiche per quest'anno latitanti porta anche birra e splashball. Si, calcio saponato. Uno sport tremendamente divertente, molto in voga nelle sagre paesane del nord-est (veneto/friul). Ecco il blog del mio team:

Sempre Pieni ST

mail lunardei


Esp Galuda 40 mil run replay

If you own an Action replay Max Evo etc. or simply a Max Drive USB pen you can see my 40 mil full run. Uh, you must have Esp Galuda too, obviously.

Download the replay (a .rar with the 6 saves) here and under the score you can see on the right of this page.

mail lunardei


Death Label, what a great name!

I've tryed DOJ Death Label, it's fucking great! I don't really want to put my energies in, but for the moment here's a decent score:

494.571.870 - last boss - first ship, first doll

mail lunardei

Finally over the 40 wall...

New Esp Galuda score:

40.030.620 - ALL - Ageha

I love this game, and surely I will keep on playing!

mail lunardei


Mushihime OST is coming!

"Hi Davide,

your Order#1465695 was sent out today!"

Uh, wonderful!

mail lunardei

The Great Fantastic E3 special

E3? Agh, but...I don't really care.
So I'm sorry, there isn't any Great Fantastic E3 special. No interviews with Billy Bonzo, no pics, no FMV, nothing!

mail lunardei


Mushihime summary

Here is a news by the mighty Playonline. It talks about the site, the limited edition, the OST. In italian, ok, but check the link and shut up!

mail lunardei

Back online

Finally I'm online, forever. I hope. So this thing can go on...

mail lunardei


Internet problems and a little of Galuda

I cannot work on the net with my pc, bah... So I'm here only to say 38,7. Eheh...Stay tuned, I'm working to reach 40 ml sooner!

mail lunardei